Common Misconceptions In BodybuildingBy: squigglecan
Stunting growth
Lifting will NOT stunt growth. There is no scientific
evidence to say lifting will stunt growth. Some books
suggest that it may actually stimulate growth but as far as
I know this hasn't been proven.
But if you use bad form you CAN close your growth plates, but
playing sports like football and baseball etc. has more of a chance of
closing your growth plate's than bodybuilding!
Over training
If you think the more you lift the more you'll improve, your
wrong. Muscles aren't built in the gym there built when
you're resting them.
Training more and more often will not help you gain size or
strength. Most muscles need at least 48 – 72 hours to heal,
if not longer. If you
don't see results straight away don't worry unless you have
crazy ass genetics it will take a month or two at least to
see changes.
Some signs of overtraining are:
• Fatigue
• Muscle soreness that never seems to go away
• Stiffness
• Irritability
• Decreased appetite
• Loss of motivation
• Irritability
• Sleep disturbances
• Insomnia
• Depression
• Decreased aerobic and strength training performances
• Injury
If you think you are overtraining take a few days off to
fully recover. And to avoid overtraining, please read my
workout routines to simply avoid it.
Pro routine for newbies
The routines that Ronnie, Jay Cutler, and
Arnold do aren't ones that
would work for the average Joe trying to get big. These guys
are on steroids and can train heaps more often than you and get
away with it. Following any Pro routine will lead to
overtrianing and all of it's negative causes listed above.
High reps with low weight > Low reps with
high weight.
This is crap. The truth is you get definition when you burn
of your fat and get down to a lower bodyfat percent. High reps don't train your fast twitch muscle fibers
as well as lower reps do. Fast twitch muscles are
responsible for short and high intensity activity.
Hundreds of sit-up's a day will give you a
6 Pack
Doing hundreds and hundreds of sit-ups will give you tighter
abdominal muscles, but you will never see them if they are
covered up with fat. The secret to getting a six pack mostly
relys in getting down to a low bodyfat percent (10% or
Remember to train your abs like any other body part and give
them sufficient time to rest. For more info on how to burn
the fat off, please read my
six pack abs article.
Fat turns into muscle, and vice versa
Muscle and fat are made of completely different cell
structures so one cannot turn into another. Muscle is made
up of individual breathing cells and fat is just storage of
lipids. If you stop working out or stop putting stress on
any of your muscles they will adapt and shrink.
Say you eat more calories to put on more muscle and then you
stop working out but keep the same diet , you will lose some
muscle and gain fat from the unneeded calories. This is one
reason why this myth is so common.
Big muscles slow you down
Every movement we make comes from our muscles. The stronger
the muscle the more power and more force it can apply , so
if you want to run faster or swing a bat faster etc. then
you have to work those muscles! But in some sports it does
slow you down E.g. Boxing , some running etc. It all depends
on the sport you compete in.
Full Squats are bad for the knees
The knee has 4 protective ligaments. These are most
effective at keeping your knee safe when at full extension
(standing with legs straight) and Full Flexion (when your
hamstring and calf are against each other.) When the knee is
at 90 degrees these ligaments are almost completely relaxed
and won't do much protecting.
So Full squats are actually safer then Half squats.
All fat is bad.
You need fat. Your cell membranes are made up of fats. Fat
is also needed for the absorption of vitamins A E D and K.
Your brain is made mostly from fat, your heart prefers fatty
acids as fuel rather than sugar. Fat is a much more
efficient energy source for low aerobic activity (such as
for sitting down and reading this article). Fat does not
interfere with HGH release (but sugar does). Fat is
responsible for creating hormones such as testosterone. Fat
is so good, I prefer doing a
ketogenic diet (low carb/high fat diet) while cutting
up, and keeping fat high during a bulking phase is important
as well.
The more you sweat the more fat you lose
The harder the cardio the more fat you will burn
by increasing your metabolism. Just
because you are sweating a lot doesn't mean you are working
hard. Some people sweat more because they are bigger or just
because they do :P. If you exercise in an extremely hot
temperature you will lose mostly water
and yeah you'll get that back by drinking again! Sweating is
not an indicator of progress, it does not mean you are
losing fat or working hard. Sweating, although is a
very good way of detoxification of harmful free radicals and
other harmful substances out of the body.
Training a specific area
will reduce the fat in that area (Spot Reduction)
Spot Reduction is a myth.
You cannot lose fat in a particular area by exercising the
muscles in that area. Now visually, if you work the muscles
in a particular area, that area will look more defined with
muscle and fat will be less noticeable, but the same fat
level will still be there. When you lose fat, you evenly do
it across your whole body.

General Info Articles
How to Get In Shape & Gain Weight as a Bikini Competitor
Common Bodybuilding Myths
Motivational tips
How to get 6 Pack Abs
Beginner Body building Guide
How to do Natural Cutting and Bulking Phases
Common Misconceptions In Bodybuilding
Diet Advice
General Bodybuilding Diet Info
Zig-Zag Calorie Diet
Ketogenic Diet for Rapid Fat Loss
Great Tasting Bodybuilding Recipes
Workout Info and Routines
Weight Workout Routines and Info
The Importance of Deadlifts
Dumbbells vs. Barbells - Which is Better?
How to Increase Your Bench Press
Is a Military Press the same as a "behind the neck shoulder press"?
How to Build Lower Abs
Keys to Lower Abdominal Definition
Cardiovascular Info
Understanding What Cardio Does for Bodybuilders
Track workouts
Phases of Sprinting
Track Competition Race Preparation
What Supplements are Important for Bodybuilders
Improve Bodybuilding With Health And Lifestyle
Is this site for Women?
Hormones And Bodybuilding
The Importance of Growth Hormone
Lifestyle Factors that Effect Bodybuilding