How is a 6 pack of Abs possible?
By: Paul Lucas

Many of you have been wondering, "how in the world can I get
a sexy 6 pack of Abs?" or "how in the heck do the people in those
magazines get 6 packs like that?". Well, for one it is not
easy, but I honestly believe anybody can get there. It just
takes a lot of motivation, time, and the proper knowledge on
how to go about it.
To start, getting a 6 pack of Abs involves decreasing your
body fat levels so your Ab muscles show instead of the
layers of fat covering it.
So how do I get rid of the fat?
To get rid of the fat covering your Abs, there are 3
essential elements that are involved:
Now all three of these elements together (done in the proper
way) does one very important thing for you which helps to
melt the fat away from your Abs, which is, they INCREASES YOUR
METABOLISM! I pretty much say over and over again through
this website, that promoting the appearance of muscles on
your body is all about increasing your metabolism, and this
is the key for getting a 6-pack.
These three simple steps is what it takes for getting a 6
pack. You need a low bodyfat percent for your Ab muscles to
show. Now many people might think the best way to reduce fat
around your Abs is to do crunches or sit-ups, well guess
what, all this is doing for you is slightly increasing your
muscle mass in your Ab muscles, but this is doing NOTHING
for fat loss around your Abs. You may be getting bigger Ab
muscles by doing this, but you'll never see them if they are
always covered by fat.
So how do I get rid of the fat around my
First off, you can't just lose fat in one particular area,
anytime your losing fat, your evenly doing it all over your
body, and the best way to do this is to increase your
metabolism. If you try to get a 6-pack by starving yourself,
then your shooting yourself in the foot! You must maintain
your muscle mass as much as possible while trying to lose
fat weight, so you have to keep your overall calories up,
while doing plenty of resistance training.
so then how do I increase my metabolism?
Cardio, cardio, and more cardio!!! while also eat, eat, and
eat some more!!!
Now if I was to continue on with this article, I would
almost be mirroring pretty much what I said in my
diet, and
resistance training articles. So I would go read
them over, and I guarantee you will have all the knowledge it
takes to get a 6 pack of Abs.
Here are some quick
tips on how to and not to get a six pack of Abs:
One of the biggest myths floating around is that getting a
6-pack mainly involves resistance training workouts. And you
can see this because the TV is filled with boatloads of info
commercials on the latest gadgets and machines that
claim they can give you a 6 pack in no time. Well, all their
really trying to do is to TAKE YOUR MONEY, nothing else. So
please, NEVER fall for any of that crap! You do not need any
machine of any type to get the resistance portion of getting
a six pack, all you need to do is simply do some crunches,
that's it! The majority of the work of getting a six pack is
actually doing plenty of intense cardio workouts, and eating
People are spending millions of dollars a year on Ab
products that claim you can get a flat stomach, or flat
tummy in no time. Well what you are reading right now, is
worth more THAN anything you probably have ever read or any
Ab machine you have ever bought, because trust me, if you
follow the guidelines in this website, you WILL get a 6 pack
faster than anything you've tried or read about before. I
KNOW what I am talking about here.
Some people can get a 6 pack without doing
absolutely NO
crunches or Ab workouts at all! It is possible to get a 6
pack solely from doing plenty of cardio alone! By doing lots
of cardio, your reducing your bodyfat down to almost
nothing, by doing this your promoting Ab muscle definition.
One of my best friends is on the track team for school,
and all he cares about is well, improving his sprinting
abilities, he doesn't care at all about having a 6 pack or
even and other muscle type definition. And guess what, this
guy is ripped, he has a 6 pack, and he achieved this solely
by doing sprints all the time, he never lifts weights or
even does any crunches. Now, don't get me wrong here, this
guy does not have a whole lot of muscle mass, he could
easily gain a lot of muscle mass by lifting weights also, or
increase his Ab muscle size by doing some crunches. I
almost would think cardio is not an option when it comes to
getting a 6 pack abs, you pretty much have to do it in order
to get a 6 pack. Some people may be trying to get a 6
pack, but simply can't do it. You need to figure out your
problem area, and those problems stem from one of the three
elements: cardio, diet, and resistance exercises. If I
was to put a rating on what most people's problems stem
from, from most to least, it would be:
CARDIO - 9/10
DIET - 7/10
That's right, I think not doing cardio is people's
biggest flaw when it comes to getting ripped abs, you need
to do cardio on a continuous basis in order to streamline
the process of getting ripped abs. Second would be
diet, you have to eat 6-8 smaller meals throughout the day
eating PLENTY of protein, in order to get ripped abs.
And although resistance training is on a pretty low scale, I am
mainly referring this to your Ab workouts. Did you know that
by doing bench presses, squats, chin-ups, and other
resistance exercises, can help you get a
6 pack faster? YEP! By doing all that, your increasing your
overall muscle mass, which increases your metabolism to lose
fat. But what I'm trying to say here is that doing 200
crunches a day is going to do practically nothing for
getting a 6-pack, now that is a total waste of time and
energy, your better off doing less reps, but hold a 10 pound
plate behind your head to increase the resistance.
Don't give up, go read over the
diet, and
resistance training
articles now to learn how to achieve a six pack or a flat

General Info Articles
How to Get In Shape & Gain Weight as a Bikini Competitor
Common Bodybuilding Myths
Motivational tips
How to get 6 Pack Abs
Beginner Body building Guide
How to do Natural Cutting and Bulking Phases
Common Misconceptions In Bodybuilding
Diet Advice
General Bodybuilding Diet Info
Zig-Zag Calorie Diet
Ketogenic Diet for Rapid Fat Loss
Great Tasting Bodybuilding Recipes
Workout Info and Routines
Weight Workout Routines and Info
The Importance of Deadlifts
Dumbbells vs. Barbells - Which is Better?
How to Increase Your Bench Press
Is a Military Press the same as a "behind the neck shoulder press"?
How to Build Lower Abs
Keys to Lower Abdominal Definition
Cardiovascular Info
Understanding What Cardio Does for Bodybuilders
Track workouts
Phases of Sprinting
Track Competition Race Preparation
What Supplements are Important for Bodybuilders
Improve Bodybuilding With Health And Lifestyle
Is this site for Women?
Hormones And Bodybuilding
The Importance of Growth Hormone
Lifestyle Factors that Effect Bodybuilding