Bodybuilding Diet Information
By: anonymous Your diet is very important when it comes to bodybuilding
and usually means success or failure. I believe the most
important thing diet does for your goals (whether your a
bodybuilder, or simply someone who wants to lose weight) is
that diet controls your metabolism, your food intake is one of
the factors that determines
your metabolic rate, and this will determine whether or not
you will get ripped and shred every drop of fat you have on
your body.How does food increase your metabolic
The human body's metabolism is controlled by one main
factor, your thyroid gland, which is determined on how much
you eat and how often you eat.
The human body (and most mammals for that manner) work very
much the same way. We still work the same way as our
ancestors 100,000 years ago, where we would hunt for food
and live on that food for weeks. When food was scares and we
only ate around 1,000 calories a day, our metabolism would
slow down so slow that we would do whatever we can to store
fat and preserve fat for starvation periods, our bodies are
made for survival. But when there's time when there is a lot
of food, and we ate like 3,000+ calories a day, our thyroid
gland would speed up your metabolism and burn more calories
quicker. We would then metabolize food more quickly and
store less food as body fat. Our bodies adapt to our
environment. The human body is programmed very efficiently
when it comes to metabolizing food.
So as you can see from this, the more food you eat, and the
more often you eat, the more your metabolism will increase.
You must show your body that the fat on your body is pretty
much useless because of how well your feeding yourself from
outside foods, once you have a continuous supply of
nutrients your doing your body a world of favors, this puts
you in a very good anabolic state for both building muscle
and keeping fat off as best as possible. If you want to get
ripped and have lots of muscle mass with very little body
fat, this very important element is extremely vital to these
goals. Please read on, to further understand how to eat
properly to gain muscle and lose fat.
The 3 macronutrients
(protein carbs and fat) and what they do for you
Carbs has 4 calories per gram and comes in either complex
or simple (sugars) carbohydrates. Carbs are basic fuel for
the body, it supplies the muscles with a continuous supply
of energy, carbs can be stored inside your muscles and used
later when it needs it through what is called "glycogen".
Eating carbs raises the hormone insulin which is an
important hormone which pushes nutrients into your body
where it needs it (such as muscle or fat). Without carbs it
is hard to increase your metabolism and gain plenty of
muscle mass. Complex carbs and simple carbs both have their
uses in bodybuilding, but most of the time you should focus
on eating plenty of complex carbohydrates, as this creates a
nice steady flow of insulin and is what your muscles take in
for fuel.
NEVER believe that eating fat will result in you getting
fat, this has been the biggest myth in the 90s, but people
are finally starting to realize the opposite, yes, fat can
actually make you lose body fat faster! Fat is important for
normal hormonal production. Eating plenty of fat in your
diet is vital to increasing the hormone testosterone (which
is the hormone that builds muscle and keeps body fat away).
Eating plenty of healthy fats in your diet such as extra
virgin olive oil is a very good way to staying healthy and
getting in better shape. Fat is also a very good source of
fuel, your body can utilize fat for fuel in very low aerobic
states (resting) even better than carbohydrates.
Now you might be surprised to read some very intriguing
information here about protein and what it's most important
role in fat lose or bodybuilding is. Most information you
read about protein is that it's the king of macronutrients
when it comes to gaining huge amounts of muscle mass or
maintaining muscle mass on low calorie diets, well guess
what, for the most part this is false information.
Why is this false info? The macronutrient that is going to
help you gain muscle or maintain muscle is carbs, NOT
protein. You can tell if your maintaining or losing your
muscles by when your lifting weights, if your reps
constantly stay the same, you know your maintaining muscle,
if your reps go down, your losing muscle. Using the mirror
as a guide to let you know if your losing muscle is a bad
indicator, because muscle glycogen (stored water and
glucose) in your muscles will fluctuate from time to time
making your muscles appear to either be bigger or smaller
(deflated). Also if your experienced enough, you can
actually feel if your losing muscle at any time by feeling a
sensation in your muscles that feels like your muscles are
kind of starving, and needs energy now! And that energy is
not necessarily protein, or fat that you need, but mainly
it's carbohydrates! Yes, carbs actually helps to maintain
muscle more than even protein. As long as your getting at
least some protein in your diet, it's basically up to your
carb intake to help maintain your muscle. Glycogen will help
to preserve muscle more than a steady supply of amino acids
(from protein). Because your body has a better chance of
taking stored sugar (glycogen or glucose) out of your
muscles instead of actual muscle tissue to be converted to
glucose to be used for energy by certain body functions
(such as the central nervous system). But don't get me wrong
here, protein is also a VERY important macronutrient.
People might be getting confused as to why eating more
protein creates bigger muscles (and yes in a way this is
true, but not in a way most people think). First off
everybody knows that having less body fat really makes the
muscles come out and shine big time! A lot of bodybuilders
may not actually know what their 200-500 grams of protein a
day are actually doing to them. Most will think that it will
build more muscle, well guess what? What this is actually
doing for them is a HUGE INCREASE OF METABOLIC RATE!!! Yep,
all this protein is not necessarily building more muscle,
instead it's melting the fat that's covering all the
muscles, so that your body shows nothing but muscle rather
than fat. And THIS is the main thing that extra protein does
in the diet.
The right amount of protein needed to maintain or build
muscle is actually pretty close to the daily recommendations
for normal people, which is around .5 - .8 grams per pound
of body weight per day. Anything more than this will
basically do nothing but increase your metabolism, which is
still VERY important to the overall bodybuilding puzzle. So
yeah consuming more protein is very important for anyone who
wishes to lose fat faster. And actually (like
common knowledge) the more you eat of it the better! Because
the more you eat the faster a metabolism you create for
yourself. And no, not all calories are created equal,
calories from protein will most likely will NOT be turned
into fat, as long as your body is pumping out the right
kinds of hormones, all calories from protein will do nothing
but help you lose fat FASTER. So how much protein you should
eat really depends on how much you can handle. But generally
you should always build your protein intake up slowly to
reduce any problems you may encounter.
How does protein increase your metabolism
more than other macronutrients?
Remember above what I said about carbs, that carbs
creates insulin which pushes nutrients into the body? Eating
too many carbs can make you gain excess body fat (if your
hormones allow it), but this can be controlled by eating
protein, because protein releases very little insulin and
helps to keep insulin stabilized. Protein is also the
hardest of the three macronutrients to digest and get into
your system, so your body has to work harder to digest the
food, this in turn increases your metabolism.
Bodybuilding is all about controlling your metabolism to
lose fat so that nothing but muscles show, protein is one of the best ways to
do this.
Which proteins increase your metabolism faster?
The more chewy the protein foods are, the more it will
increase your metabolism. So foods such as steak and pork
are very good sources of protein, chicken and tuna are
pretty much right up there too. Easily digestible protein,
such as protein shakes and egg whites, are NOT the best
source of metabolism increasing protein. Don't get me wrong
egg whites and protein shakes can keep you in a good
nitrogen state to build muscle and get lean, but they can never be substituted for the
kings of protein, which are the ones that are the most chewy
to eat, because they take longer for your body to digest
them, this in turn increases all kinds of processes in the
body to increase your metabolism.
FUN FACT: Want to know
what the best source of protein is?
I felt for some reason I had to say this, you can take
this information lightly, but as a fact it is a nice piece
of knowledge to know, obviously you don't have to go out and
do it all the time :)
The best source of protein is actually fresh uncooked
meat taken from alive wild animals (not a farm animal)
from an environment that is non-polluted or diseased.
That the animal is either alive or just died (that has NOT
been dead for awhile) Now don't panic, I know this may seem
strange but this is indeed the healthiest form of protein
you can possibly eat, you will get more nutrients such as
more potassium, less sodium, more vitamins and minerals,
less saturated fat, and more essential fats! This kind
of protein will increase your metabolism even greater than
if the meat was cooked, preserved, freezed, then cooked
again later to eat.
This is actually the kind of diet man ate way back in
cave man days. But guess what, their diet was
generally more healthier than the typical diets man eats
today! I actually have never done this, but from my
education this is the truth. I do not know anybody
personally that is into this, but it is certainly something
that should not be overlooked. I could go more in-depth with
this, but I thought I'd share this little piece of knowledge
with you.
So protein shakes and egg whites should be avoided?
No, not avoided completely, protein powder shakes are an
excellent way to obtain your protein and fill in all the
"protein" gaps you need in for the day. The bulk of the protein
you eat in a day should come from chewy protein sources.
Ideal times for liquid protein comes in handy is first thing in
the morning and right before bed. Having a quick nitrogen
boost right in the morning from egg whites for example is a
good idea to jumpstart your metabolism for the day and halt
any form of catabolic hormones you have created from 6+
hours of not eating. Having a slow digesting protein shake
right before going to sleep for the day is a wise thing to
do too, a good protein source for this would be 20+ grams of caseinate
protein. The best place I recommend getting your protein
powder from is from Naked Whey on Amazon, they have been in business for over 10
years now and they have the highest quality proteins
available anywhere.
How frequently should I eat through out
the day?
The more the better! There are so many reasons why eating
smaller more frequent meals are so much superior than eating
the common 3 meals a day. For one your giving yourself a
nice continuous supply of nutrients to feed your muscles for
growth and repair. Your showing your body that your giving
yourself a nice continuous supply of energy, so that body
fat is pointless for you. You are increasing your metabolism
GREATLY which is the key to bodybuilding.
I say eat according to how well your motivation and schedule
is. If you are highly motivated and have plenty of time to
prepare food every day, then I say eat a small balanced meal
every 2 to 2.5 hours, if your more of a busy person with
less time, then you can increase the duration, like
every 3 hours. I would however not go without eating for 4
hours (not including when your sleeping), as this is not good for gaining a fast metabolism.
What is the right ratio of macronutrients?
There is none! You must take into account how much you
need of each macronutrient for your goals. You basically
need just enough carbs to supply you with enough energy for
your daily activities, and maybe a little more for a
metabolism boost, same goes with fat, make sure you eat
plenty of healthy fats throughout the day. And protein, like
I said above, generally the more you can handle the better.
If you want some kind of a guideline though, I would say eat
around .5-3 grams of carbs per pound of lean body weight
(your weight minus your fat weight) per day,
.5 - 1 grams of fat per pound of lean body weight per day, and 1
or more grams of protein per pound of lean body weight per day.
Should I cycle calories or macronutrient
Do you want to get ripped? Do you want to gain muscle? Do
you want to lose fat? THEN YES! Almost EVERY bodybuilder
cycles their calories in some way, the most common way of
doing it is with an "off season" and an "on season",
basically what this means is that they spend 4-9 months or
so building muscle by maintaining a relatively higher amount
of calories to gain muscle (sometimes called a bulking up
phase), they do very little cardio during this time, then
they go through several months of slowly lowering their
caloric intake to lose fat (while also GREATLY increasing
cardiovascular exercise),
this is sometimes called the cutting phase. Take a
look at this typical example of how bodybuilders cycle their
calories and cardio throughout the year.

According to this chart the end of the month of May is the
start of the cutting phase, as you can see you start off
actually eating MORE calories along with the start of doing
a lot of cardio. This is the traditional way that most
bodybuilders cycle their calories, but I actually know an
even more efficient way to do it, please go to this page
near the middle-bottom of the article to learn a better
calorie cycling method. Now the whole point of these two
weeks is to really crank up your metabolism by eating a
heck of a lot more protein and eating more often than usual
(like if you normally eat every 3 hours, start eating every
2.5 hours), then once those two weeks are over, switch back
to eating your normal frequency (i.e. every 3 hours instead
of 2.5) and gradually decrease your
calories over time to lose fat. Many people skip the
part in the middle about increasing their calories for a
week or so, they instead just start lowering their calories
on a continuous basis, which is fine, except from my
personal experiences, I have done both, and the one in
the chart works better, I have got ripped more effectively
using that method. I like to call this the "Crank up
the metabolism phase" I outline
the typical diet plan during that time below.
Cycling calories is very effective, and is very important to
gaining huge amounts of muscle mass with very little body
fat. It naturally works well, you spend several months
eating a relatively higher amount of calories (especially
from protein), eating like this for months creates a very
well solid metabolism which keeps the "fire burning" even
when you lower your caloric intake, so then when you lower
it, your body is still set to burn a specific number of calories
and it takes it from body fat stores. But since your body is
smart at conserving energy it will adapt to whatever caloric
intake you give yourself and change your metabolism
accordingly. But a drop of calories from a higher calorie
diet will always result in fat lose if done right.
Listen to this personal story of mine to learn why I now do
this "Crank up the metabolism phase" on a regular basis:
I have been through so many different kinds of calorie cycle
programs, and what that I thought was very neat to
experience was one I did just four years ago, basically what I
was doing was eating about 560 grams of protein a day from
meat type sources, and also eating plenty of carbs and fat
(about 175 grams of carbs and 120 grams of fat per day),
eating every 2.5 hours, which totaled about 4,000 calories
per day, I did this diet along with 20-30 minutes of intense
cardio every other day. This was actually the start of my
cutting phase, instead of going straight to lowering my
calories, I instead increased it for a week or so (as
pictured in the chart above in the first half of June), and
trust me it is tough to do this, consuming ALL this protein,
it is not easy, but It pays off. But as you know it's
only for 1-2 weeks, you can then start eating lighter
amounts after that. Check out this outline to see what
I ate every day
during this time:
meal1 - 9am -
80 grams of protein, 50 grams of carbs, 20
grams of fat
meal2 - 11:30pm -
80 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, 20
grams of fat
meal3 - 2pm -
80 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, 20
grams of fat
meal4 - 4:30pm -
80 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, 20
grams of fat
meal5 - 7pm -
80 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, 20
grams of fat
meal6 - 9:30pm -
80 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, 20
grams of fat
meal7 - 12:00am -
80 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbs, 20
grams of fat
*Most of this protein is coming from chicken, steak, and
One thing I experienced throughout this time was a HUGE
increase of energy, it was like my body was giving me a HUGE
energy boost I have never experienced before in my whole
life. It was an AWESOME feeling, I felt so energetic, and I
believe all that energy was actually coming from a
combination of the protein
I was eating and the intense cardio workouts. And believe me, I'm not that big of a guy, I
only weigh about 175 pounds at 5 foot 11 inches tall, 560
grams of protein from steak and chicken a day was a LOT for
me. My body adapted and really cranked up the "furnace" in
my body, My body was at a point to where I could drop
anything in it and it would just feel like it would get
burnt right up, and yes I actually felt that! Now comes the
shocker, after doing this diet for two weeks, I then drastically changed my diet, this was the change:
meal1 - 9am -
Carb load breakfast - 240 grams of complex
carbs (all the carbs for the day right here), 15 grams of
fat, 40 grams of protein from egg whites.
meal2 - 12pm -
40 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbs, 25
grams of fat
meal3 - 3pm -
40 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbs, 25
grams of fat
meal4 - 6pm -
40 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbs, 25
grams of fat
meal5 - 9pm -
40 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbs, 25
grams of fat
meal6 - 12am -
40 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbs, 25
grams of fat
*Please note that this particular diet is NOT part of the
typical diet routine I outline in the chart above, it is
just a experiment I did once.
Now maybe you can guess what happened, my metabolic rate
KEPT GOING from the previous diet! Sky high metabolism!
Basically all of a sudden my body literally turned into a
fat burning machine. I totally dropped my calories from
4,320 to 2,880 a day. About 3-4 hours after my first
meal, insulin from the carb load totally starts going away
and fat burning REALLY starts kicking in BIG TIME! No
more carbs for the rest of the day means zero insulin, and I
was also maintaining my muscles because of the carb load
breakfast I had every morning, all the carbs from the meal
#1 quickly turns into muscle glycogen. I lost about 15 pounds
of fat (and fat only) in only one week. The sad part was is
that it only lasted for about 7 days, my metabolism quickly
adapted to the new diet and pretty much slowed my fat loss
to a crawl. What I experienced from this was for sure that
cycling calories is the key to getting ripped. I actually
noticed a visual change in my physique once that one week
was over, and I literally felt the fat melting off my body
during that time. This was for sure the coolest experience I
have ever had. I would do it again, but unfortunately, in
the long run it is not as effective as eating carbs with
every meal while dieting. But as something fun to do,
you can make a bet with somebody, saying: "I bet you I
can lose 15 pounds of fat in only one week while maintaining
all my muscle". If you want to win the bet, then THIS
Again, I would suggest not
going to the extreme of totally eliminating your carbs from
most of the meals from the cutting phases like I did in the
example above. I would add a moderate amount of carbs to
most of the meals in the day while still eating most of them
in the first meal of the day. You don't want to kill your
metabolism that fast like what I did. Slowly drop your
calories day to day week to week, while occasionally having
some days where you bring your calories back up to maintain
a fast metabolism so you can lose fat more efficiently.
One thing that's important to remember is that the results
of your current diet depend on your previous diet (this
should especially come to a concern if your trying to lose
fat with your current diet). You need a fast metabolism to
lose fat, and this comes from a higher calorie diet. And
don't worry, you will not gain weight (more specifically
fat) from a higher calorie diet if you do intense cardio
during it, and also making sure a lot of those calories are
coming from protein.
Dropping carbs is important for fat loss,
but you have to do right in order to maintain muscle, here's
I want to mention this because it's
important to know while dieting to lose fat. Your body
starts to take fat stores for fuel once the hormone insulin
has been cleared from your body (as long as your metabolism
is fast enough). Insulin is created from eating
carbohydrates then is cleared once the carbs are out of your
blood stream. So if your dieting you must strategically eat
less carbs overall so you have less insulin in your body,
but enough carbs to prevent muscle loss. The best way
to do this is with slight carb loading meals occasionally
then eating a lower amount of carbs with most of the meals
you eat in a day. Make sure you do not totally
eliminate your carbs in your meals (like with my example
above, that was only an interesting test I did for myself)
because that can kill your metabolism TOO fast. The
way occasional carb loading works to maintain muscle is that
once carbs are pushed and stored inside your muscle as
glycogen, then anytime when your body needs glucose it takes
it from glycogen instead of muscle tissue. This works
really well, cause you can have muscles filled with carbs
yet insulin cleared in your system at the same time!
This is a perfect formula for muscle maintenance while
dieting to lose fat. So even while dieting, it is safe
to have a carb loaded meal occasionally to help maintain
muscle mass, this also creates a nice little metabolism
boost. I used to never do occasional carb load meals
while dieting, until about 5 years ago, and I noticed a huge
difference! My reps in my workouts (such as the bench press)
always remained the same, that was telling me I was
maintaining muscle, while my bodyfat gradually was going
down. Before this, WITHOUT the carb load meals, my
reps on the bench press would go down slowly while dieting.
So I strongly suggest that while dieting dropping calories
overall but with occasional carb load meals. Take a
look at this example of a typical dieting day with a carb
load meal in it:
meal1 - 9am -
40 grams of protein, 150 grams of carbs, 15
grams of fat
meal2 - 12:00pm -
40 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbs, 15
grams of fat
meal3 - 3pm -
40 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbs, 15
grams of fat
meal4 - 6:00pm -
40 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbs, 15
grams of fat
meal5 - 9pm -
40 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbs, 15
grams of fat
meal7 - 12:00am -
40 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbs, 15
grams of fat
Totals: 240 grams protein,
230 grams carbs, 90 grams fat, 2,690 calories.
The carb load meal is meal # 1.
Don't carb load every single day, maybe like
every 3rd day or 4th day, the key is to just get a
huge boost of carbs to increase glycogen stores.
How many carbs to eat at the carb load meal?
I say eat as much as you want, or as much as you can, it
doesn't matter, as long as it is all in one sitting only.
Also make sure it is nearly ALL complex carbs (NO simple
carbs), for my carb load days, I personally eat 3 cups of
plain oatmeal.
It's also important to remember that carb
load meals are really only necessary if your muscles need
some glycogen, if they already have enough in them, there
really isn't a need to carb load (knowing whether your
muscles are filled with glycogen or not comes with
experience), but if they are very deflated without glycogen,
you should have a carb load meal. Keep in mind your
muscles can be completely filled with carbs (glycogen) yet
having little to no insulin running through your system,
your body will then take bodyfat for fuel, but your body
will ALWAYS still need some glucose (carbs) for certain body
functions, and instead of your body taking it from muscle
tissue (your body can break down muscle tissue and convert
it into glucose) it takes it from the stored glycogen
instead, which results in fat loss and muscle maintenance. To finish this off,
you still got to make sure that as time goes by while
dieting your overall carb intake from most of your meals in
a day is gradually decreasing, your fat intake can
relatively stay the same while dieting, but your protein
intake should actually decrease a little too, but only real
slowly, carbs should decrease the fastest while dieting, but
don't forget the occasional carb load meals, they are
important for maintaining muscle! And yeah, I do
believe this is the secret for maintaining muscle while
dieting (especially for natural bodybuilders).
Common dieting tips:
- Drink lots of water (with every meal and between every meal).
Try to drink at least a gallon of water a day.
Avoid consuming liquid carbs (soft drinks, juice, and
- Avoid simple sugars (sucrose and especially fructose)
Fructose is used to refill liver glycogen stores, where as
complex carbs (glucose) is used to refill muscle glycogen
stores. Muscle glycogen does not hamper fat burning, but
liver glycogen does.
Eat a meal every 2 to 3 hours.
- Have chewy protein foods (such as meat), be your main source
of protein, not liquid protein (such as protein shakes, or
egg whites)
- Avoid eating carbs before you sleep, mainly because this
will interfere with growth hormone (GH) release while you
sleep. If you do eat a meal close to when you sleep, have it
be just some slow digesting protein and fat. Protein also
interferes with GH release slightly, but fat does not.
- Consume enough EFA's (essential fatty acids), you can get
them from fatty fish, nuts, or from oil supplements, such as
flax seed oil.
- Increase your consumption of monounsaturated fats and
decrease your intake of saturated fats, a good source of
monounsaturated fat is extra virgin olive oil.
If you're a construction worker, or have a job that requires
lots of physical activity (manual labor), then make sure
that every day for work, have a carb-loaded breakfast. Make
sure you have plenty of muscle glycogen before you do lots
of physical work, other wise, if you stick to the common low
carb diets, you'll lose muscle.
Avoid food supplements such as protein bars or meal
replacement powders, instead eat whole foods, such as
chicken, steak, tuna, pork for protein, rice, pasta, bread,
wheat, oatmeal, vegetables, grits for carbs, and make sure
your getting enough healthy fats such as nuts and fats from
fish, I also highly recommend putting extra virgin olive oil
on vegetables all the time, and supplement your fat intake
with some EFAs (essential fatty acids) from flax seed oil
for example.
- Do NOT cook your vegetables! Buy them fresh
and eat them fresh, this is important. By doing
this you are getting more nutrients such vitamins,
minerals, potassium and antioxidants into your body,
cooking them, or steaming them takes away vital
nutrients from them. Eating them fresh will also
increase your metabolism more since they will be harder
to digest (remember the chew factor?). TIP: add
some extra virgin olive oil over your vegetables to give
them some better taste (I do this all the time).
The same thing can apply to protein foods, for example,
do not leave meats in a crockpot all day, that softens
them up big time and makes it REALLY easy for your body
to digest them. Only lightly cook your meat, just
enough so that it is actually cooked, nothing more.
Remember the more chewy the better!

General Info Articles
How to Get In Shape & Gain Weight as a Bikini Competitor
Common Bodybuilding Myths
Motivational tips
How to get 6 Pack Abs
Beginner Body building Guide
How to do Natural Cutting and Bulking Phases
Common Misconceptions In Bodybuilding
Diet Advice
General Bodybuilding Diet Info
Zig-Zag Calorie Diet
Ketogenic Diet for Rapid Fat Loss
Great Tasting Bodybuilding Recipes
Workout Info and Routines
Weight Workout Routines and Info
The Importance of Deadlifts
Dumbbells vs. Barbells - Which is Better?
How to Increase Your Bench Press
Is a Military Press the same as a "behind the neck shoulder press"?
How to Build Lower Abs
Keys to Lower Abdominal Definition
Cardiovascular Info
Understanding What Cardio Does for Bodybuilders
Track workouts
Phases of Sprinting
Track Competition Race Preparation
What Supplements are Important for Bodybuilders
Improve Bodybuilding With Health And Lifestyle
Is this site for Women?
Hormones And Bodybuilding
The Importance of Growth Hormone
Lifestyle Factors that Effect Bodybuilding